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Writer's pictureChristopher L. Williams

How Do You Crown?

"There ain’t no rules in pillowing!” The first time I heard this come out of Julie’s mouth, I laughed hysterically! This was hilarious to me because, when I first started learning how to communicate the benefits of a Sleep Crown - the dimensions, weights and all of the details that customers ask - it seemed very technical, yet so simple. I rehearsed over and over…”Sleep Crowns block out the light, muffle the ambient sound and provide a slightly weighted feeling, like a weighted blanket for the head. Collectively, these features help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.” I had the script down pat! And I was running it down to every visitor to our booth during Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Conference. And it was a success! People were buying Crowns left and right. But right in the middle of kissing the babies and shaking hands, I overheard Julie say, “There ain’t no rules to pillowing!” (Julie’s from Texas so…that’s how she said it..for real) LOL! But, when she said it, it clicked with me.

So, I added it to my spiel. That phrase brought the biggest smile to our customers' faces. They couldn’t deny the awesome cuddly coziness that was causing their senses to vibrate with delight, but they just couldn’t see using it the traditional way. So that’s when I shared and demonstrated some unconventional ways to use your Sleep Crown; because remember, “There ain’t no rules to pillowing.”

I’d like to share with you 3 ways that I Crown…

1. The Squeezy Peezy: All that’s needed for the Squeezy Peezy is a Sleep Crown Mini Body Pillow (MBP), a comfy place to sit (bed, couch, floor, boat deck, patio, under a tree or beach blanket). Under a tree on a beach blanket is my preference…but I digress! After you’re good and cozy, place your MBP between your legs, wrap your arms around your MBP and squeeze! That’s right, sqeeeeeeze! Squeeze for as long as you can hold it and then stop squeezing. Now there are no rules as to how many times you may repeat this, because once you “Squeezy Peezy” a MBP it’s hard to stop. I’ve attached a picture to demonstrate the extreme happiness that will flood your soul. You may even start smiling uncontrollably!

Sleep Crown Mini Body Pillow
The Squeezy Peezy

2. The Tummy Tickler: Now, the Tummy Tickler is my go-to when I’m in straight-up chill’n mode. In order to do the Tummy Tickler, you simply take your Sleep Crown MBP, place it behind your back and lean back. Once you find your comfy spot, you take your Sleep Crown Classic or Traveler and place it on your tummy. I prefer my Classic because it’s slightly heavier than my Traveler and it's just the right amount of soothing pressure on my tummy. It reminds me of holding my boys when they were just babes. Additionally, I rest both of my hands on my pillow and I’m ready to watch a movie or start snoring…either one works!

Sleep Crown on the Tummy
The Tummy Tickler


3. The Sleep Crown Terrific Trifecta: Don’t try this without training first…nah..forget that…jump right into it!! LOL! This is the mother set-up for the ultimate sleepy-time confection! So, first, you’ve got to be good and ready for rest. You’ve showered or bathed, your thermostat is set to about 70 (68 if you’re really about it), you’ve finished your “ratchet TV”, and your smart device is set on “DND”. Now, place your Sleep Crown Queen pillow under your head. Lay on your side and place your Sleep Crown MBP between your legs. Finally, tuck yourself in under your Sleep Crown Classic or Traveler Over-the-Head Pillow. Now take 3 big breaths, think about how awesome it feels to be tucked in all comfy and cozy…and RELAX, SURRENDER, AND SLEEP!

The Sleep Crown Over The Head Pillow
The Sleep Crown Terrific Trifecta

And remember…”There ain’t no rules to pillowing!”

How do you Crown?

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